The Best Healthy Habits Pilots Must Adopt
Most pilots can relate to how challenging it is to maintain a healthy traveling routine. Just like with most other travelers, your days as a pilot will start from 4 am to 9 pm and last for 16 hours.
It might seem hard to get any kind of regimen, particularly when your body’s clock is not aligned with the new time zone you are in.
But the good news is that this doesn’t have to be hard. This is because many flight schools in Florida have suggested highly effective and simple changes you may make to maintain your health as you travel. Some of these include:
1. Get Warmer Clothes
One situation you will face during your flight is hypothermia when your body temperature goes below the normal range and becomes cold to work normally.
It is imperative to note that hypothermia happens mostly during emergencies. But pilots need to prepare and use their knowledge to help others.
Among the first signs of this condition is shaking due to their muscles trying to generate more heat. Other common signs of the condition include heart rate, blood pressure, and increased breathing.
For you to get prepared for this condition, you will think of the clothes that have accessible during the flight. For instance, if your flight takes the plane over the forest, ensure there is warm clothing accessible.
2. Cut Bad Habits
It is simple to turn to very bad habits when you are stressed. Smoking and drinking may help to reduce anxiety and offer you immediate relief. Bad habits like these can work immediately, though they may further stress the body.
This may create a cycle where you rest less and stress more. Ensure you cut out smoking and monitor your consumption of alcohol. This can benefit you in the long-term future, if not immediately.
3. Consider Fitness Routine
Let’s face it. If you want to maintain your health as you fly an aircraft, you must start practicing some healthy activities.
Before flying the next plane, ask yourself whether it is healthy to sit the whole day. If you believe it’s not, the right thing to do is do some exercise.
It might either be a 20-minute high intensive workout, basic pushups, or a 30-minute walk at the park. If the flight is early, you may exercise the day before you fly the next airplane.
4. Drink Enough Water
The cabin air of aircraft has low humidity. Air systems push the air which enters the cabin, and this air at that height is high. Thus, your skin will get dry and be thirsty more often.
Considering that you will be focusing on steering the aircraft, you will have to take plenty of water to be hydrated.
Closing Remarks!
Being healthy and fit as a pilot might be a great challenge. Dealing with disturbed sleep rhythms, fatigue, fast food, and low humidity can be a challenge for most pilots.
This is why it is important to start adopting all these habits so that you can maintain your health throughout your piloting career.