Shoulder surgery: what to do against recurrent dislocations?
The answers of Dr Simon Marmor, orthopedic surgeon at Croix Saint-Simon hospital:
“With dislocations, we face problems of instability. The shoulder will dislodge from the joint cavity. When people manage to put the shoulder back in place themselves, we speak of subluxation. The humerus. has partially emerged from the joint cavity and will spontaneously recover a little. The risk is not very important. If it is a real dislocation where the patient cannot put his shoulder back himself in place,
it is quite dangerous to be handled by a third person because if there is an associated fracture, a fracture can be displaced or a fragment imprisoned in the joint and make the management a little more complex by the In the event of a real dislocation of the shoulder which does not spontaneously return to its place,it is better to be accompanied to emergencies.
“During the first dislocation, the joint capsule will stretch forward. If it heals poorly, which is unfortunately often the case, we will be able to dislocate our shoulder more and more often and more and more easily. what is called recurrent instability which will be the cause of these dislocations.
“There are surgical solutions to these problems of recurrent dislocations. As soon as we have dislocated the shoulder several times and we present risks of instability, we can operate these dislocations with different techniques. we make a stop, or we will retension the joint capsule arthroscopically. But there are different techniques that can be proposed. “